Aluminum Composite Panels

ACP or Aluminum Composite Panels are layered panels with aluminium on the outer layers and a polythelene layer sandwiched between the aluminium ones. The thickness of the panels varies as per the application for which they are manufactured and used.

The thickness is dependent on the height at which the panel will be installed. The wind velocity differs at different altitudes and this is what decides the thickness of the panel. The thickness of the panels can be from 1 to 2mm and go beyond 5 and 6mm. The thicker panels are used for offices and buildings on an elevated level.

Features of the ACP Sheets

  • Light in weight
  • Fire resistant
  • Highly durable
  • Re-useable and easy to maintain
  • Easy to process
  • Available in a wide variety of patterns, colours and finishes
  • Weather resistant
  • Resistant to moisture, corrosion and pollution

Applications of ACP

There was once the notion that the aluminium composite panels are only suitable for external building cladding. However, they are now equally popular for the interiors and exteriors. In the interiors, they are used for purposes like false ceilings, panelling, ducting and decorating the doors, balcony, kitchens and bathrooms.

Commercially, these sheets are used as signage and signboards, to cover beams and columns and to cover equipment and machines etc.

Externally the aluminium composite panels are used to lift the external façade of the building. They give the building the insulation and protection that is so much better than when compared to paints.